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Oak Fair 2025
Exhibitor Terms and Conditions



  • All exhibitors from the previous year’s Oak Fair are given first refusal to re-book.


  • The positioning of trade stands will be at the discretion of the Oak Fair Team.


  • Please ensure that you have paid for your pitch in full by May 31st 2025. Anyone who has not paid in full by this date will forfeit their pitch and it will be offered to the waiting list exhibitors.​




  • Please confirm cancellation of a trade stand or demonstration to the Oak Fair Team via email -




  • Alcohol - Exhibitors are responsible for ensuring that no alcohol is obtained by anyone under the age of 18.


  • Disclaimer of Liability - The Oak Fair Team will not be liable or responsible for any injury, loss or damage arising from any error in the allocation of space or if an exhibitor encroaches on the space allocated to another.


        The Oak Fair Team, staff or volunteers will not be liable to any persons for any damage or loss to the property of such          person or for any injury, however caused, fatal or otherwise, to any such person while upon the Oak Fair site or car              parks or while entering or leaving the show.

        Exhibitors shall be solely liable for any loss, injury or damage that may be done to, occasioned by arising from any              article or property exhibited or brought onto the grounds by or for him, and shall indemnify the Oak Fair Team on                  accounts of or in respect of such damage or injury which may be so caused. Exhibitors shall be held liable for the                behaviour and for any misconduct or negligence of their staff, contractors, and the consequences thereof. 

        The Oak Fair Team will not be held responsible for any damage to any vehicle or equipment when an exhibitor or                  their representative accepts lifting or towing assistance offered by the Oak Fair staff or volunteers. 


        Acceptance of the Oak Fair regulations is a condition of entry and it is the responsibility of exhibitors to ensure that              they understand and comply with these regulations.


  • Dogs - Dogs are allowed on leads at the Oak Fair. Under no circumstances leave your dog in your vehicle in hot weather - it is highly likely to be removed and all associated costs will be levied against you. Dogs must be kept under control at all times, including set up and breakdown and must not be allowed to run freely on site.


  • First Aid - First Aid is available at the Medical Tent during the show opening times on the Saturday and Sunday.  


  • Force Majeure - if an event defined hereafter as Force Majeure occurs the Oak Fair Team will not be responsible for the financial consequences or any losses or any actions, claims or demands caused to or made by an exhibitor or demonstrator, their servants or agents caused by the failure of the Oak Fair to be held on one or more of the days but for the event of Force Majeure on which it would otherwise to be held. Force Majeure means for the purposes of this clause exceptionally inclement weather; flooding of the whole or any part of the grounds including the car parks associated with the Oak Fair; an act of God including but not limited to fire, flood, earthquake, windstorm or other natural disaster; act of sovereign including but not limited to war, invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power or confiscation, nationalisation, requisition, destruction or damage to property by or under the order of any government or public or local authority or imposition of government sanction embargo or similar action; law, judgment, order, decree, embargo, blockade, labour dispute including but not limited to strike, lockout or boycott; interruption or failure of utility service including but not limited to electric power, gas, water or telephone service; failure of the transportation of any personnel equipment, machinery supply or material required to run the The Oak Fair; breach of contract by any essential personnel; any other matter or cause beyond the control of The Oak Fair Team.


  • Indemnity by the Exhibitor - The exhibitor will indemnify the Oak Fair Team for:


       All claims arising out of the exhibit and the exhibitor’s Show staff, Contractors and invitees conduct at the trade stand         generally and against all claims, demands, damages, proceedings, costs, or expenses whatsoever in any way relating         to or arising out of use of the trade stand by the exhibitor.

       Any claims which may at any time be made against the Show (whether under the Occupiers Liability Act 1957 or                 otherwise) in relation to the trade stand (including any claim made by any of the exhibitors’ employees) arising wholly         or in part from any act or omission of the Exhibitor.


  • Insurance – The Oak Fair Team cannot be held responsible for any loss, damage and injury incurred by exhibitors. Exhibitors must ensure they hold all relevant insurance including: public, product and employee liability.


  • Livestock - Permission must be obtained from the Oak Fair if you are intending to have any livestock or pet animals on your stand. Livestock or pet animals must not be left unattended at any time, especially overnight. Any animal showing evidence of disease will not be admitted to the Oak Fair.


  • Opening Hours - Trade stands opening hours are between 10am and 5pm on Saturday and Sunday. Trade stands must remain open and fully staffed between these times.


       No vehicles will be allowed to drive on the fair site between 9.30am and 5.00pm on Saturday and Sunday.


       Anyone attempting to leave the site before 5pm on Saturday and/or Sunday will be stopped by a member of the Oak           Fair Team.


  • Observance of Regulations – The Oak Fair Team reserves the right to refuse or cancel any application without explanation. All applications are received subject to approval. Exhibitors must undertake to carry out any alteration as requested. Failure to do so, or if the trade stand does not meet with approval after any such alteration, will result in immediate expulsion from the Oak Fair.


  • Postponement or Abandonment – Exhibitors shall not have any claim against the Oak Fair or any member of the Oak Fair Team in respect of any loss or damage whatsoever consequent upon the Oak Fair or any part of it failing (for whatever reason) to be held or having to be abandoned. 


  • Products - Acceptance of a exhibitor is based on a description of the products to be sold. We regret that any exhibitor bringing different products to sell that have not been agreed will be asked to remove them. 


  • Responsible Behaviour – All exhibitors will be subject to the orders of the Oak Fair officials. Abuse, physical or verbal, towards stewards, staff and volunteers will not be tolerated and exhibitors or their staff not obeying the directions of Oak Fair officers will render themselves liable to expulsion from the Oak Fair site.


  • Responsible Drinking – The Oak Fair attracts visitors of all ages, and we work hard to uphold the 4 Licensing objectives – The prevention of crime & disorder, public safety, the prevention of public nuisance and the protection of children from harm.


       All Exhibitors must follow the following golden rules of responsible drinking:


        Use the challenge 25 campaign applied at the bars on the Oak Fair site. (Please ask the customer for valid proof if                you think they are under 25).


        Purchasing/supplying alcoholic drinks by/to anyone under the age of 18 is illegal.


        Anyone who appears to be intoxicated must not be served or given alcohol and may be asked to leave the Oak Fair              site.


        It is illegal for children under 18 to knowingly consume alcohol.


  • Rubbish & Recycling – Exhibitors are required to maintain their stand space and surrounding area in a clean, tidy and hygienic condition at all times. Waste material must not be stored at the rear of the stand. Please be aware of the fire risk when storing waste materials. Recycling bins are available across the Oak Fair site.



  • Sale of Knives and other potentially dangerous products – The display of knives for sale (including knife blanks) must be in a locked display cabinet unless protected in a pre-sealed pack at the time of manufacture. Any trade stand displaying or selling knives must do so in accordance with current legislation and must ensure that an age verification system is enforced. All employees must be trained and aware of the system. Suitable age restrictions signage must be clearly on display. Exhibitors are responsible for ensuring that knives or other potentially dangerous products (for example axes etc.) are not obtained by anyone under the age of 18.


  • Set up and Breakdown Times – Information on set up and pack down times will be sent out closer to the Oak Fair dates.


  • Show Programme – Please complete the programme section on the trade stand booking form to secure a free entry in the Oak Fair Programme.


  • Sleeping Overnight – All exhibitors are reminded that if they intend to sleep overnight at The Oak Fair, they are required to inform the Oak Fair team in writing at . Please let us know which nights you will be staying and the details of a contact person to be used in the case of an emergency.


        The majority of exhibitors will be able to camp behind or beside their stands. For those exhibitors unable to do this,              we offer a camping area on site on Friday and Saturday.


         On Saturday night some of the food vendors will reopen 7 – 9pm for exhibitors. The bar will also reopen from 7 –                 10pm.


         If you are camping next to your stand then please ensure that any tents are cleared away by 9.30am on both days.


         All electrical items in your caravans and tents must be PAT tested and you must have a record of these on site. As               with all sleeping accommodation, a working battery smoke detector must be installed.


  • Tickets and Passes – Information on exhibitor tickets and car passes will be sent out closer to the Oak Fair dates.


  • Transport Safety – All vehicles on the Oak Fair site must adhere to the stated maximum speed limit. All loads must be appropriately secured at all times. To ease traffic congestion exhibitors are requested to remove vehicles, once unloaded to the nearest car park. Please be aware that hand held mobile phones must not be used when driving on site. All vehicles must at all times be driven by an appropriately licensed and fully insured driver. Children are not permitted to drive or assist in driving vehicles on site.


       Please ensure that all stalls are set up and vehicles, where possible, have been moved off the site to the exhibitor                 parking area by 9.00am on the show day.


       No vehicles will be allowed to drive on the Oak Fair site between 9.30am – 5.00pm on Saturday and Sunday.


       If the weather is wet, please wait before driving onto the site to be given instructions!


  • Weather conditions – Exhibitors must ensure they have made adequate preparation to allow for adverse weather conditions at the Oak Fair. In the event of adverse weather, it may be necessary for Oak Fair vehicles (ie; tractors) to assist with exhibitor vehicles on the Oak Fair site. Please wait for instructions from the Oak Fair Team. DO NOT drive over any neighbouring trade stand space. The Oak Fair team reserves the right to restrict or refuse vehicle access to the site at any time to protect the ground.





Risk Assessments


  • In compliance with Health and Safety legislation all exhibitors and demonstrators MUST complete and return a risk assessment upon application to the Oak Fair.


  • Please ensure that your risk assessments consider show set up and breakdown as well as exhibiting at the Oak Fair and overnight camping (if appropriate).


  • The Oak Fair team reserve the right to refuse acceptance to the show to any exhibitor or demonstrator who fails to provide a suitable risk assessment.


  • It is the responsibility of the exhibitor or demonstrator to ensure all staff and contractors work in accordance with the relevant Health and Safety legislations.


  • It is the responsibility of the exhibitor or demonstrator that any risk to health, safety and welfare of its employees, visitors to the fair and others is minimised, and all appropriate controls are in place.


  • Demonstrators and/or exhibitors who use dangerous machinery or equipment (e.g., chainsaws, lathes, axes etc.) must complete a separate risk assessment for these activities. There is the option to upload this within the application form risk assessment.


  • The Oak Fair Team will check all risk assessments and will be making spot checks during the Oak Fair including during set up and breakdown.


  • Failure by Exhibitors to adhere to their submitted risk assessment will result in immediate removal from the Oak Fair site and loss of all monies paid.



  • Enforcement agents from HSE, Local Authority and other inspectorates may be on site during the show. 




  • Exhibitors are responsible for adequately fencing off and/or securing any part of their stand that could be dangerous to visitors and staff (including tent pegs, ropes etc.)


  • Any workers working at height or with heavy objects must be competent to do so.​


  • All exhibits containing moving parts or anything which may be dangerous to the public, must be guarded to comply with safety regulations governing the particular exhibit. Guards must not be removed for any purposes whilst machinery is in operation.


  • All products and equipment displayed at height should be appropriately secured at all times so as not to pose a risk to you, your staff, visitors and others at the Oak Fair.


  • All products and equipment weighing over 15kg should be appropriately positioned so as not to pose a risk to you, your staff, visitors and others at the Oak Fair.


  • All exhibitors and demonstrators must ensure that any potentially dangerous products, equipment and machinery (e.g., knives, axes, lathes, chainsaws) are kept out of reach of visitors and others, especially children. Anyone handling and using such equipment must be competent, and trained where appropriate.


  • All exhibitors must comply with all legislation in force at the time of The Oak Fair 2025 relating to their business.




  • In the event of a fire please dial 999 and subsequently inform the Show Office that you have done so. If time allows and it is safe to do so, unplug electrical items and isolate gas. Ensure all staff are accounted for. Do not try to remove items from your stand. Leave the area immediately, or as directed by Show Officials.


  • If you find a suspicious package, do not touch it, contact the show office immediately giving the location. 


  • Fire exits must be unobstructed and accessible at all times.


  • Please use the Oak Fair bins to prevent an accumulation of refuse which can be a fire hazard.


  • It is the responsibility of the exhibitor or demonstrator to ensure that necessary fire precautions are taken. Current Fire Safety standards MUST be applied to ensure that the exhibitor’s site has adequate fire precautions.


  • All exhibitors are required to supply suitable fire extinguisher(s).


  • Fire extinguishers must be located within the stand, be easily accessible and well maintained, and all staff must be instructed in their use.


  • Fire extinguishers must be on hand during set up and breakdown of stand.


  • All overnight accommodation must be fitted with a working smoke alarm.




  • All electrical equipment must be in good condition, suitably maintained and display evidence of portable appliance testing (PAT).


Food and Drink


  • All personnel handling food should be appropriately trained.


  • All food vendors are reminded that it is their legal responsibility to ensure food is prepared, cooked and served safely at all times and that their staff are suitably trained, managed and monitored to ensure high standards of food safety are maintained.


  • All food businesses must comply with all food safety and hygiene legislation applicable to their business at all times, in particular the Food Hygiene (England) Regulations.


  • Where hot surfaces are used on trade stands for cooking or demonstrating purposes these must be fully guarded from the public and in particular children.


  • Exhibitors are responsible for the provision of any flooring (if necessary) to comply

       to Food Safety and Food Hygiene legislation.


  • Exhibitors with cooking facilities on their stand MUST provide and use a suitable extractor fan.


  • For Fire Safety Purposes, the use of LPG gas cylinders at the Oak Fair is strictly limited to those who have stated so on their risk assessment.


  • Intoxicating liquor may not be sold or offered without prior permission from the Oak Fair Team.


  • Exhibitors are responsible for ensuring that the site allocated is cleared and equipment removed at the end of the Oak Fair.


  • Failure by Exhibitors to maintain satisfactory standards will result in immediate removal from the Oak Fair site and loss of all monies paid.


  • The highest standard of hygiene, quality and modern presentation are required at all times and any failure to comply with current legislation (particularly Food Safety / Health and Safety at work) will lead to the exhibitor’s immediate removal from The Oak Fair.


  • All food vendors within the Oak Fair are required to abide by the regulations set out in these terms and conditions.


  • Environmental Health Officers may be in attendance at the Show.


Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)


  • For Fire Safety Purposes, the use of LPG gas cylinders at the Oak Fair is strictly limited to those who have stated so on their risk assessment.


  • The following conditions are to the be observed regarding the use of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinders and appliances:


  • All cylinders are to be located outside the structure in the open air on firm, level ground and secured firmly in the vertical position away from any unauthorised interference. Please locate cylinders so they can be accessed by emergency services if required.


  • Only cylinders incorporating pressure relief valves may be used. All fittings and threads used must be clean and undamaged and only the correct connectors and regulators for the equipment must be used. Please ensure that you take competent advice to ensure that you are using the correct connectors.


  • All cylinders are to be located away from entrances, emergency exits and circulation areas of the exhibitor’s vehicles or any other stand. A physical barrier e.g., a cage, must be used around LPG cylinders.


  • It is preferred that fixed piping be used where practicable. However, if flexible tubing is used it is to be in good condition and suitable for its purpose e.g. to a recognised British Standard (BS3212) and where appropriate to be provided with mechanical protection to minimise damage.


  • Wherever possible crimped clips should be used. Anyone responsible for connecting or changing LPG cylinders must be competent to do so.


  • When not required, gas supplies are to be isolated at the cylinder as well as the appliance.


  • Replacement cylinders for portable gas are to be fitted in the open air, well away from sources of ignition. Tools must never be used to turn cylinder valves on or off.


  • Appropriate firefighting equipment is to be readily available. Where LPG is in use, a minimum of 1 x 5kg dry powder extinguisher must be made available for every 2 cylinders in use.


  • Combustible materials are to be kept well away from gas cylinders and appliances.


  • The connection of appliances to the LPG gas supply should be carried out by a competent person, a trained member of staff who can recognise if the connection is faulty or damaged is acceptable. Exhibitors and demonstrators are responsible for carrying out a daily inspection on their gas equipment and supply. Exhibitors are responsible for ensuring that their staff know what to do in the event of a gas leak.


  • Please ensure that the Gas Risks and Control section of your risk assessment is completed if you are using Gas at the Oak Fair.


  • In an appliance where the flame cannot be seen, the appliance should have a flame supervision device (fsd) fitted e.g., barbecues, grills, ovens etc.


  • Please ensure that all gas appliances coming on the Oak Fair site must hold an annual has safety certificate carried out by a registered and competent Gas Engineer. The Oak Fair reserve the right to audit this information and it should be available upon request.

The Oak Fair
Stock Gaylard Estate 
Lydlinch, Sturminster Newton 
Dorset, DT10 2BG 
01963 23511 |

*While we make every effort to man the office 9-5pm Monday to Friday please be patient as we build up to the show as this is not always possible*

SAT. 23rd & SUN. 24TH AUGUST
10AM - 5PM

© 2024

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